Embosser Stamp Football Handmade

Embosser Stamp Football Handmade


Acrylic. Clear. Sport balls embosser handmade.

Football Size 8.75×5.75cm

Size suit size 9cm cookie and above perfectly.

Acrylic. Clear.  Just when you need that extra special touch to a cookie.  Size suit size 6cm cookie and above perfectly. Use with other decorative elements like our raised embossers, pattern rolling pins and other embosser designs

Football Size 8.75×5.75cm

Use with our handmade round 70mm cookie cutter. All sports balls available for purchase with a full set option.

How to ~ Roll out fondant to desired thickness, position and press. If your impression is a little light, place embosser back on and press firmer. Remove and cut cookie shape. Glue onto cookie using sugar glue for best results. Weather or fondant brand depending, dust a little cornflour on, to prevent sticking.

Clean with damp cloth and dry. Do not place in the dishwasher. Made In Melbourne.


Additional information

Weight 35 g
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 cm